Hayes Carll performed on World Cafe.
- "Hide Me"
- "The Letter"
- "Grand Parade"
Hayes Carll is a dry-witted folk musician whose humble music is poised, but infused with humorous anecdotes. Hailing from Texas, the singer-songwriter first picked up a guitar at the age of 15. He followed a common route through college while singing on the side, moving around Texas in search of success. But his music is anything but common. He eventually returned to Houston, his hometown,and began to develop a following. That's where he released his first album, 2002's Flowers Liquor, which became an immediate hit with critics and fans alike.
Almost a decade later, Carll has racked up a list of achievements, written three more full-lengths, and spent a good deal of time on the road honing his craft and receiving inspiration. Carll's latest release is KMAG YOYO, a military acronym standing for "Kiss My A** Guys, You're on Your Own."
Source: http://www.npr.org/2011/05/26/136651873/hayes-carll-on-world-cafe?ft=1&f=10001
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