2012True Story!
So it has been a while since my last post? I was a bit distracted with other projects and life in general but I have to say I truly missed Love Bungalow and how easily the words flow when writing about the topic of love or lack there of. God knows I have experienced both more than once and am so lucky for the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years and losses.
So much has happened since my last entry.?My best friend? had her baby boy JD, another friend? had her baby girl Bella,? two others are pregnant, my elementary school friend and two others were married last month, three friends got engaged, and a few marriages ended or on the verge of.
WOW, I look around me and it seems like things are falling into place as they should for most or falling apart due to stress and or choosing the wrong person for others. I guess it has to do with my age, this is usually the time your friends start getting married and having kids, if they haven?t already.? It also seems to be the time people who got together too young or for the wrong reasons start to realize (it is wrong). My life took me on a totally different path than the norm and although it has been really sucky at times, I am so happy I haven?t made life changing mistakes like marrying a past douche bagger or worse, mothering one of their spawn (yikes). Ok, maybe a tad bit harsh, whatevs, it is well deserved
Being surrounded by a whirlwind of engagements, weddings, babies, and watching the death of relationships you never thought would end and some you knew were just a ticking time bomb, it is hard to feel certain about anything, but I am sure that every step I took in the past, whether it was a horrible choice or a step towards the right direction, I am where I am supposed to be in this moment. I don?t have it all figured out, I don?t know I ever will. I don?t know if I will get married, have kids, and be the happy picket fence family all little girls dream of, but I am determined to have a beautiful life and be surrounded by people who really love me because nothing else really matters.
In light of all that has happened around me, as well as living my own experiences, I wanted to talk about the importance of finding the person who will ?most likely? never leave you, not because they are bound to you through a child, or because they have become comfortably unhappy, I mean the person that will never leave because they couldn?t imagine a life without you, even though they know it would go on, they just want you to always be a part of it.? Some believe this is as easy as finding lochness or big foot, and yes, it does seem that way at times.?Maybe some of us never find our someone because they are too busy sticking it out with the wrong person for them. Love is a tricky thing and we get it all mixed up with lust, romance, strong like, and momentary attraction. But true love goes beyond what most of us can comprehend and so many are so selfish and blind these days, half of those in a committed relationship half?no idea what it even means to promise to be there, not just when the sun is shining, but when the clouds roll in as well.
I am in a relationship and?it is not perfect, but none will ever be. What we have is a?bond that is very strong and getting stronger everyday. Our friendship sparked and started a small flame that I feel at this point would be very hard to extinguish because that flame is growing into a contained blaze that like the Olympic torch I hope never burns out. The confidence I have in my current relationship is based off of the fact ?that I know no matter who I am, or what I share about my life, he accepts me and will always be there, caring, if nothing else more than just my friend.?That means more to me than any man and their lies of love and ?forever? ever has in the past.
Many promises were made and broken by past relationships and?what makes me feel so safe this time is the lack of promise. Sounds backwards I know, but what our relationship is not filled with is a bunch of bullshit ?I will love you forevers?. No one knows what tomorrow will bring and I would rather not have my heart broken when the promises we sometimes can?t keep are, so being honest with ourselves and each other about not knowing where we are going, while at the same time working towards something?great together, in my opinion is the best promise we can make to each other.?We are smart enough and care enough to not taint what we do have with lies of the unknown, this makes me feel safe and truly cared for.
To the new relationships, engagements, marriages, and families blossoming around me, I wish nothing but the happiest of days and life for them, I wish them?strength to stay a team through the hard times and?try to always remember even when times are tough why you fell in love in the first place. For the relationships I am seeing falling apart? I pray they wake up and either realize what they have to lose if it really ends and stop focusing on only the bad parts of their situation when there is so much love, beauty, and happiness underneath the current stress of life if they just hold on. Sometimes we don?t realize how close we are to success before we stop and give up! And for those whose relationships are beyond repair, I wish a quick and as painless as possible exit for both. Nothing sucks worse than dreading coming home! Home should be peaceful and happy, where you can not wait to open the door and leave the stress of the world behind, at least for a little while.
Find your best friend, and give them the best of you and expect the same in return. If it leads to something more one day than that is what you call LOVE, if not, at least you know you will have a friend for life who really cares about you. The key is to know when you?re wasting your time. If you see no future with him or her or can tell you are not at least potentially in their long term plans, don?t drag it out or sit around hoping one day it will click and change.? Not knowing and just being good together while growing stronger is very different from knowing it is never going to happen but sticking around just waiting for the inevitable painful end that is sure to come!
Life is hard and stressful, relationships are going to be at times as well, but if the majority of your quality time is anything but quality, move on and find the one who will never walk away. He or she is out there somewhere.
Good Luck!
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