Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I need career advice, thinking about a career in the FBI as a ...

I need career advice, thinking about a career in the FBI as a criminal profiler?

Posted by admin on June 28th, 2011

lionheart Question : I need career advice, thinking about a career in the FBI as a criminal profiler
I?m still not sure yet, but I think I want to become a probation officer with the special NCAVC or a criminal profiler as its more commonly known. Of course, I realize that I will spend many years as an FBI special agent first and even then enter the NCAVC and even then it is not guaranteed. I am only a freshman in high school, but I want to start planning a career as soon as possible. Right now I?m just looking for any kind of advice such as being useful to take in college, working conditions of an FBI special agent and / or criminal profiler or careers in the replacement FBI.Je am generally an intelligent person and I?m good at figuring things out and thinking I am a logical thinker. I just want a career where I can use my skills and also to make the world a better place somehow. If you know of other careers (in or outside the criminal justice system) that sound like what I?m looking for that would be as great aide.Merci all for your response aide.Meilleure :
Answer by JT
Get the FBI is very difficult. Last NCAVC elite is even more difficult. I use to be interested in working for the FBI until I learned that you have no choice where you will be stationed. Needless to say, I studied what it takes to get into the FBI. I also chose a course of study in college that will get in the criminal justice system. Work to join the FBI began in high school. You must constantly work hard to get good grades and boost your resume with community service and extracurricular activities. When it comes to choosing a major in college, there are several that the FBI recommends. Most people believe that justice would be the obvious choice, but in reality it is not one of the majors recommended. List of sites of the FBI four majors they are interested in. These include Accounting Sciences, Law, Language and Information. I recommend that you try to double major in choosing a college majors mentioned above and also in psychology (to help NCAVC). While your college you should definitely apply for an internship with the FBI honors. You must be at least a 3.0. In addition, it is important that you keep a high average of your career wide coll?ge.Apr?s college, you can try and implement the FBI immediately. You can also choose to continue your education and increase your chances of being hired by obtaining your masters degree in law, or doctorat.Un other work you may wish to become an intelligence analyst for anyone to federal agencies ( Army, CIA, FBI, DEA, etc.).

know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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