Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ron Paul Will Win Iowa, but Can He Win Mainstream GOP Voters? (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | It's been fun to watch Texas Congressman Ron Paul this year. He comes across as a nervous little fellow at times, but he has some truly good ideas and some really off-the-wall ideas too. He was virtually ignored by everyone for months, but lately seems to be the candidate that everyone is now watching.

The Daily Caller reported Paul was the topic of conversation by all the talking heads on Sunday's installment of "This Week." Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan even went so far as to say Paul can give President Barack Obama a run for the money. I'm not so sure about that.

Paul definitely has a loyal set of supporters -- there's no question about that. Articles that praise Ron Paul receive mass praise from his supporters too. But, be the least bit critical of the retiring congressman and masses of negative comments pour in too. It would be laughable if we weren't discussing the future of our country.

That's one thing I really like about Paul and his supporters: They get it. They understand the United States is facing serious challenges and it's going to take more than a good sound bite to cure the nation's ills. They understand that the deficit is out of control. They know that a radical new approach is needed in Washington if we are going to avoid a financial collapse on a scale that this country has never seen before.

What they don't get, however, is it takes more than just a good idea to win the nomination. And, without the nomination, there is no chance of winning the White House. Paul has to begin winning over mainstream Republicans to secure the nomination. He will win Iowa -- his supporters know how to work the caucus system. That will generate enormous momentum for Paul as he heads to the New Hampshire primaries. Primaries, however, are a different political animal. He's going to have to appeal to the masses and get them to the polls.

I definitely was not following Paul this year, but I can say he has won my curiosity. He is a viable alternative to the GOP pack that seems to be saying what Americans want to hear and not what they need to hear. His ideas may be a bit radical at times, but he's got a foundation to work from in crafting new alternatives to governing. I like that.


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